Return colour-blind friendly colours
Utility function to return either a distinct colour-blind friendly colour for each variable or if a functional grouping is specified, then shades of the same colour for variables within a functional group
## Get n colours
get_colours(vars = 4)
#> [1] "#009E73" "#D55E00" "#AA4499" "#0072B2"
# Get a color-map for each value specified in vars
get_colours(vars = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"))
#> [1] "#009E73" "#D55E00" "#AA4499" "#0072B2"
# Group values of vars using FG. Variables in the same group
# will have same shades of a colour
get_colours(vars = 4, FG = c("G1", "G1", "G2", "G2"))
#> [1] "#006B4E" "#00D198" "#A24700" "#FF7609"