Prepare data for effects plots for compositional data
The helper function to create the underlying data for visualising the effect
of increasing or decreasing (or both) the proportion of a variable from a
set of compositional variables. This is a special case of the
function where the end points are either the
monoculture (i.e. variable of interest = 1, while all others equal 0) of the
variable of interest (when increasing the proportion) or a community without
the variable of interest (when decreasing the proportion). The observations
specified in `data` are connected to the respective communities (monoculture of
the variable of interest or the community without the variable of interest) by a
straight line across the simplex; This has the effect of changing the proportion of
the variable of interest whilst adjusting the proportion of the other variables
but keeping the ratio of their relative proportions unchanged, thereby preserving
the compositional nature of the data. See examples for more information.
The output of this function can be passed to the
function to visualise the results.
- data
A dataframe specifying the initial communities of interest for which to visualise the effect of increasing/decreasing a variable. If a model object is specified then this data should contain all the variables present in the model object including any additional variables not part of the simplex design. If a coefficient vector is specified then data should contain same number of columns as the number of elements in the coefficient vector and a one-to-one positional mapping would be assumed between the data columns and the elements of the coefficient vector.
- prop
A vector of column names or indices identifying the columns containing the variable proportions (i.e., compositional columns) in the data.
- var_interest
A character vector specifying the variable for which to visualise the effect of change on the response. If left blank, all variables would be assumed to be of interest.
- effect
One of "increase", "decrease" or "both" to indicate whether to look at the effect of increasing the proportion, decreasing the proportion or doing both simultaneously, respectively on the response. The default in "increasing".
- add_var
A list specifying values for additional variables in the model other than the proportions (i.e. not part of the simplex design). This would be useful to compare the predictions across different values for a categorical variable. One plot will be generated for each unique combination of values specified here.
- prediction
A logical value indicating whether to pass the final data to `add_prediction` and add predictions to the data. Default value is
, but often it would be desirable to make additional changes to the data before making any predictions, so the user can set this toFALSE
and manually call the `add_prediction` function.- ...
Arguments passed on to
A regression model object which will be used to make predictions for the observations in `data`. Will override `coefficients` if specified.
If a regression model is not available (or can't be fit in R), the regression coefficients from a model fit in some other language can be used to calculate predictions. However, the user would have to ensure there's an appropriate one-to-one positional mapping between the data columns and the coefficient values. Further, they would also have to provide a variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients in the `vcov` parameter if they want the associated CI for the prediction or it would not be possible to calculate confidence/prediction intervals using this method.
If regression coefficients are specified, then the variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients can be specified here to calculate the associated confidence interval around each prediction. Failure to do so would result in no confidence intervals being returned. Ensure `coefficients` and `vcov` have the same positional mapping with the data.
If `coefficients` are specified and a one-to-one positional mapping between the data-columns and coefficient vector is not present. A character string or numeric index can be specified here to reorder the data columns and match the corresponding coefficient value to the respective data column. See the "Use model coefficients for prediction" section in examples.
The confidence level for calculating confidence/prediction intervals. Default is 0.95.
Type of interval to calculate:
- "none" (default)
No interval to be calculated.
- "confidence"
Calculate a confidence interval.
- "prediction"
Calculate a prediction interval.
A data frame with the following columns appended at the end
- .Sp
An identifier column to discern the variable of interest being modified in each curve.
- .Proportion
The value of the variable of interest within the community.
- .Group
An identifier column to discern between the different curves.
- .add_str_ID
An identifier column for grouping the cartesian product of all additional columns specified in `add_var` parameter (if `add_var` is specified).
- .Pred
The predicted response for each observation.
- .Lower
The lower limit of the prediction/confidence interval for each observation.
- .Upper
The upper limit of the prediction/confidence interval for each observation.
- .Marginal
The marginal change in the response (first derivative) with respect to the gradual change in the proportion of the species of interest.
- .Threshold
A numeric value indicating the maximum proportion of the species of interest within a particular community which has a positive marginal effect on the response.
- .MarEffect
A character string entailing whether the increase/decrease of the species of interest from the particular community would result in a positive or negative marginal effect on the response.
- .Effect
An identifier column signifying whether considering the effect of species addition or species decrease.
## Load data
## Fit model
mod <- glm(response ~ p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + 0, data = sim1)
## Create data for visualising effect of increasing the proportion of
## variable p1 in data
## Notice how the proportion of `p1` increases while the proportion of
## the other variables decreases whilst maintaining their relative proportions
head(visualise_effects_data(data = sim1, prop = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"),
var_interest = "p1", effect = "increase",
model = mod))
#> ✔ Finished data preparation.
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 community block response .Sp .Proportion .Group
#> 1 0.700 0.100 0.100 0.100 1 1 10.815 p1 0.700 1
#> 2 0.703 0.099 0.099 0.099 1 1 10.815 p1 0.703 1
#> 3 0.706 0.098 0.098 0.098 1 1 10.815 p1 0.706 1
#> 4 0.709 0.097 0.097 0.097 1 1 10.815 p1 0.709 1
#> 5 0.712 0.096 0.096 0.096 1 1 10.815 p1 0.712 1
#> 6 0.715 0.095 0.095 0.095 1 1 10.815 p1 0.715 1
#> .Pred .Lower .Upper .Marginal .Threshold .MarEffect .Effect
#> 1 10.42269 9.789966 11.05541 1.559416 0.826 Negative increase
#> 2 10.42737 9.791585 11.06315 1.559416 0.826 Negative increase
#> 3 10.43204 9.793199 11.07089 1.559416 0.826 Negative increase
#> 4 10.43672 9.794807 11.07864 1.559416 0.826 Negative increase
#> 5 10.44140 9.796410 11.08639 1.559416 0.826 Negative increase
#> 6 10.44608 9.798008 11.09415 1.559416 0.826 Negative increase
## Create data for visualising the effect of decreasing the proportion
## variable p1 in data using `effect = "decrease"`
head(visualise_effects_data(data = sim1, prop = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"),
var_interest = "p1", effect = "decrease",
model = mod))
#> ✔ Finished data preparation.
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 community block response .Sp .Proportion
#> 1 0.000 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333 1 1 10.815 p1 0.000
#> 2 0.007 0.3310000 0.3310000 0.3310000 1 1 10.815 p1 0.007
#> 3 0.014 0.3286667 0.3286667 0.3286667 1 1 10.815 p1 0.014
#> 4 0.021 0.3263333 0.3263333 0.3263333 1 1 10.815 p1 0.021
#> 5 0.028 0.3240000 0.3240000 0.3240000 1 1 10.815 p1 0.028
#> 6 0.035 0.3216667 0.3216667 0.3216667 1 1 10.815 p1 0.035
#> .Group .Pred .Lower .Upper .Marginal .Threshold .MarEffect .Effect
#> 1 1 9.331096 8.884095 9.778097 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 2 1 9.342012 8.900575 9.783450 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 3 1 9.352928 8.916964 9.788892 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 4 1 9.363844 8.933260 9.794427 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 5 1 9.374760 8.949459 9.800060 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 6 1 9.385676 8.965558 9.805793 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
## Create data for visualising the effect of increasing and decreasing the
## proportion variable p3 in data using `effect = "both"`
head(visualise_effects_data(data = sim1, prop = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"),
var_interest = "p3", effect = "decrease",
model = mod))
#> ✔ Finished data preparation.
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 community block response .Sp .Proportion
#> 1 0.7777778 0.1111111 0.000 0.1111111 1 1 10.815 p3 0.000
#> 2 0.7770000 0.1110000 0.001 0.1110000 1 1 10.815 p3 0.001
#> 3 0.7762222 0.1108889 0.002 0.1108889 1 1 10.815 p3 0.002
#> 4 0.7754444 0.1107778 0.003 0.1107778 1 1 10.815 p3 0.003
#> 5 0.7746667 0.1106667 0.004 0.1106667 1 1 10.815 p3 0.004
#> 6 0.7738889 0.1105556 0.005 0.1105556 1 1 10.815 p3 0.005
#> .Group .Pred .Lower .Upper .Marginal .Threshold .MarEffect .Effect
#> 1 1 10.51542 9.795624 11.23522 -0.9273268 0.066 Negative decrease
#> 2 1 10.51449 9.795636 11.23335 -0.9273268 0.066 Negative decrease
#> 3 1 10.51357 9.795646 11.23148 -0.9273268 0.066 Negative decrease
#> 4 1 10.51264 9.795656 11.22962 -0.9273268 0.066 Negative decrease
#> 5 1 10.51171 9.795664 11.22776 -0.9273268 0.066 Negative decrease
#> 6 1 10.51078 9.795671 11.22590 -0.9273268 0.066 Negative decrease
## Getting prediction intervals at a 99% confidence level
head(visualise_effects_data(data = sim1, prop = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"),
var_interest = "p1", effect = "decrease",
model = mod, conf.level = 0.99,
interval = "prediction"))
#> ✔ Finished data preparation.
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 community block response .Sp .Proportion
#> 1 0.000 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333 1 1 10.815 p1 0.000
#> 2 0.007 0.3310000 0.3310000 0.3310000 1 1 10.815 p1 0.007
#> 3 0.014 0.3286667 0.3286667 0.3286667 1 1 10.815 p1 0.014
#> 4 0.021 0.3263333 0.3263333 0.3263333 1 1 10.815 p1 0.021
#> 5 0.028 0.3240000 0.3240000 0.3240000 1 1 10.815 p1 0.028
#> 6 0.035 0.3216667 0.3216667 0.3216667 1 1 10.815 p1 0.035
#> .Group .Pred .Lower .Upper .Marginal .Threshold .MarEffect .Effect
#> 1 1 9.331096 5.855633 12.80656 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 2 1 9.342012 5.867809 12.81621 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 3 1 9.352928 5.879950 12.82591 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 4 1 9.363844 5.892055 12.83563 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 5 1 9.374760 5.904125 12.84539 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
#> 6 1 9.385676 5.916160 12.85519 1.559416 0.287 Negative decrease
## Adding additional variables to the data using `add_var`
## Notice the new .add_str_ID column in the output
sim1$block <- as.numeric(sim1$block)
new_mod <- update(mod, ~ . + block, data = sim1)
head(visualise_effects_data(data = sim1[, 3:6], prop = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"),
var_interest = "p1", effect = "both",
model = new_mod,
add_var = list("block" = c(1, 2))))
#> ✔ Finished data preparation.
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 block .add_str_ID .Sp .Proportion .Group
#> 1 0.000 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333 1 block: 1 p1 0.000 1
#> 2 0.014 0.3286667 0.3286667 0.3286667 1 block: 1 p1 0.014 1
#> 3 0.028 0.3240000 0.3240000 0.3240000 1 block: 1 p1 0.028 1
#> 4 0.042 0.3193333 0.3193333 0.3193333 1 block: 1 p1 0.042 1
#> 5 0.056 0.3146667 0.3146667 0.3146667 1 block: 1 p1 0.056 1
#> 6 0.070 0.3100000 0.3100000 0.3100000 1 block: 1 p1 0.070 1
#> .Pred .Lower .Upper .Marginal .Threshold .MarEffect .Effect
#> 1 9.847626 9.241980 10.45327 1.559416 0.946 Negative both
#> 2 9.869458 9.271266 10.46765 1.559416 0.946 Negative both
#> 3 9.891290 9.300209 10.48237 1.559416 0.946 Negative both
#> 4 9.913122 9.328796 10.49745 1.559416 0.946 Negative both
#> 5 9.934953 9.357015 10.51289 1.559416 0.946 Negative both
#> 6 9.956785 9.384853 10.52872 1.559416 0.946 Negative both
## Create data for visualising effect of decreasing variable p2 from
## the original communities in the data but using model coefficients
## When specifying coefficients the data should have a one-to-one
## positional mapping with specified coefficients.
init_comms <- sim1[, c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4")]
head(visualise_effects_data(data = init_comms, prop = 1:4,
var_interest = "p2",
effect = "decrease",
interval = "none",
coefficients = mod$coefficients))
#> ✔ Finished data preparation.
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 .Sp .Proportion .Group .Pred .Marginal
#> 1 0.7777778 0.000 0.1111111 0.1111111 p2 0.000 1 10.41016 0.1252706
#> 2 0.7770000 0.001 0.1110000 0.1110000 p2 0.001 1 10.41029 0.1252706
#> 3 0.7762222 0.002 0.1108889 0.1108889 p2 0.002 1 10.41041 0.1252706
#> 4 0.7754444 0.003 0.1107778 0.1107778 p2 0.003 1 10.41054 0.1252706
#> 5 0.7746667 0.004 0.1106667 0.1106667 p2 0.004 1 10.41066 0.1252706
#> 6 0.7738889 0.005 0.1105556 0.1105556 p2 0.005 1 10.41079 0.1252706
#> .Threshold .MarEffect .Effect
#> 1 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 2 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 3 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 4 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 5 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 6 0.067 Negative decrease
## Note that to get confidence interval when specifying
## model coefficients we'd also need to provide a variance covariance
## matrix using the `vcov` argument
head(visualise_effects_data(data = init_comms, prop = 1:4,
var_interest = "p2",
effect = "decrease",
interval = "confidence",
coefficients = mod$coefficients,
vcov = vcov(mod)))
#> ✔ Finished data preparation.
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 .Sp .Proportion .Group .Pred .Lower
#> 1 0.7777778 0.000 0.1111111 0.1111111 p2 0.000 1 10.41016 9.705914
#> 2 0.7770000 0.001 0.1110000 0.1110000 p2 0.001 1 10.41029 9.706958
#> 3 0.7762222 0.002 0.1108889 0.1108889 p2 0.002 1 10.41041 9.708001
#> 4 0.7754444 0.003 0.1107778 0.1107778 p2 0.003 1 10.41054 9.709043
#> 5 0.7746667 0.004 0.1106667 0.1106667 p2 0.004 1 10.41066 9.710084
#> 6 0.7738889 0.005 0.1105556 0.1105556 p2 0.005 1 10.41079 9.711123
#> .Upper .Marginal .Threshold .MarEffect .Effect
#> 1 11.11441 0.1252706 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 2 11.11361 0.1252706 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 3 11.11282 0.1252706 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 4 11.11203 0.1252706 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 5 11.11124 0.1252706 0.067 Negative decrease
#> 6 11.11045 0.1252706 0.067 Negative decrease
## Can also create only the intermediary communities without predictions
## by specifying prediction = FALSE.
## Any additional columns can then be added and the `add_prediction` function
## can be manually called.
## Note: If calling the `add_prediction` function manually, the data would
## not contain information about the marginal effect of changing the species
## interest
effects_data <- visualise_effects_data(data = init_comms, prop = 1:4,
var_interest = "p2",
effect = "decrease",
prediction = FALSE)
#> ✔ Finished data preparation.
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 .Sp .Proportion .Group .Effect
#> 1 0.7777778 0.000 0.1111111 0.1111111 p2 0.000 1 decrease
#> 2 0.7770000 0.001 0.1110000 0.1110000 p2 0.001 1 decrease
#> 3 0.7762222 0.002 0.1108889 0.1108889 p2 0.002 1 decrease
#> 4 0.7754444 0.003 0.1107778 0.1107778 p2 0.003 1 decrease
#> 5 0.7746667 0.004 0.1106667 0.1106667 p2 0.004 1 decrease
#> 6 0.7738889 0.005 0.1105556 0.1105556 p2 0.005 1 decrease
## Prediction using model object
head(add_prediction(data = effects_data, model = mod, interval = "prediction"))
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 .Sp .Proportion .Group .Effect .Pred
#> 1 0.7777778 0.000 0.1111111 0.1111111 p2 0.000 1 decrease 10.41016
#> 2 0.7770000 0.001 0.1110000 0.1110000 p2 0.001 1 decrease 10.41029
#> 3 0.7762222 0.002 0.1108889 0.1108889 p2 0.002 1 decrease 10.41041
#> 4 0.7754444 0.003 0.1107778 0.1107778 p2 0.003 1 decrease 10.41054
#> 5 0.7746667 0.004 0.1106667 0.1106667 p2 0.004 1 decrease 10.41066
#> 6 0.7738889 0.005 0.1105556 0.1105556 p2 0.005 1 decrease 10.41079
#> .Lower .Upper
#> 1 7.738930 13.08139
#> 2 7.739308 13.08126
#> 3 7.739686 13.08114
#> 4 7.740062 13.08101
#> 5 7.740439 13.08088
#> 6 7.740814 13.08076
## Prediction using regression coefficients
head(add_prediction(data = effects_data, coefficients = mod$coefficients))
#> p1 p2 p3 p4 .Sp .Proportion .Group .Effect .Pred
#> 1 0.7777778 0.000 0.1111111 0.1111111 p2 0.000 1 decrease 10.41016
#> 2 0.7770000 0.001 0.1110000 0.1110000 p2 0.001 1 decrease 10.41029
#> 3 0.7762222 0.002 0.1108889 0.1108889 p2 0.002 1 decrease 10.41041
#> 4 0.7754444 0.003 0.1107778 0.1107778 p2 0.003 1 decrease 10.41054
#> 5 0.7746667 0.004 0.1106667 0.1106667 p2 0.004 1 decrease 10.41066
#> 6 0.7738889 0.005 0.1105556 0.1105556 p2 0.005 1 decrease 10.41079